Partner Sale Rules

Partner rules :

1- Partners leads will be assigned in sequence as per the following link:

2- When assigning leads, please provide the client's name and phone number, the partner's name and phone number, as well as billing and commission details.

3- There are two cases:
1. If the partner is billing -> calling team, who will assign & follow up with Partner and provide a 5% commission. The sales team will only provide a demo and receive a 7.5% commission.

2. If the client is billing -> Sales team, who will provide a demo and follow-up, and receive a 10% commission. The calling team will only assing Lead receive a 2.5% commission.

The calling team should only schedule and assign demos based on the sales team member's sequence. Please make sure to match the sales team's demo time before assigning the lead.

If any urgent demo is assigned to a sales person who is unable to give the demo at the same time, the lead will be passed on to the next available salesperson.

Mention all followup in Own Working Excel as well Whats App groups so every one will able to see last status on leads No need to ask personally.

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